Analysis- Mercury in Virgo, Crow & Rosemary
30- Analysis- Mercury in Virgo
Interpretation - Constructive criticism, helping others, perfectionism, attention to detail, improvement
Reversed - Destructive criticism, judgment, pedanticism, unsolicited advice, fault-finding
Mercury in Virgo uses their excellent perception skills to serve others by refining the world around them. They can see what works, what doesn’t, and how to make minor adjustments for maximum benefits. They seek perfection and try to help others by recognizing opportunities for improvement. To improve any system, you must be able to identify and understand its flaws first. Unfortunately, their inclination to point out flaws can quickly spiral into being overly critical of minor imperfections. They must avoid criticizing without providing a better solution and refrain from offering unsolicited advice.
2018, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink, embroidery floss & nails.
Original artwork has sold.