Speed- Mercury in Aries, Fox & Blackberries
25- Speed- Mercury in Aries
Interpretation - Wit, quick thinking, debate, getting to the point, trusting first impressions, sharpness
Reversed - Impatience, saying something regrettable, arguments, causing hurt with words, rudeness
Mercury in Aries is fast-talking, quick-witted, and able to make decisions promptly without much deliberation. Their first thought is usually their best, which is convenient because they often lack the patience required for lengthy consideration. Their speech can be fast and loud, and they love to debate with others. Mercury in Aries can struggle with “foot-in-mouth disease,” in which their words come out more harshly than intended. They can benefit from pausing before they speak to consider the impact their words might have on others. If that isn’t possible, they should get really good at apologizing afterward.
2019, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink, embroidery floss & nails.