Order- Sun in Virgo, Squirrel & Oak
6- Order- Sun in Virgo
Interpretation - Observation, organization, sorting, prioritizing, integration of information, tidiness
Reversed - Worry, fixation on unimportant details, losing the big picture, rumination, self-criticism
The Sun in Virgo’s motto is I Analyze. They have keen analytical skills that are constantly observing and categorizing information. However, analysis is only part of the process. Their true end goal is to sort and organize the data they acquire and use it to support their physical and practical needs. If the Sun in Virgo loses sight of this goal, analyzing can quickly become over-analyzing. They may be caught worrying about insignificant details and become unable to see the forest for the trees. It may help to step back, look at the big picture, and keep focused on the practical outcome to avoid being driven off track.
2020, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink, embroidery floss & nails.