Sociability- Venus in Gemini, Bees & Lavender
39- Sociability- Venus in Gemini
Interpretation - Networking, popularity, new connections, friends, socializing, mingling, dating
Reversed - Shallow connections, avoiding deeper relationships, fickleness, popularity contest
Venus in Gemini is the glue that holds social groups together. Like bees pollinating flowers, they are essential to their social ecosystem. They are very friendly and can chat with just about anyone, making them fantastic at networking in large groups or introducing mutual friends. Venus in Gemini may prefer having a lot of casual acquaintances rather than limiting their experience to deeper interactions with fewer people. Opportunism or shallowness can emerge as a shadow side, and they might see their social network as a popularity contest rather than genuine friends. They benefit from examining
their motivations when connecting with others.
2018, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink & embroidery floss.
Original artwork has sold.