Confidence- Moon in Aries, Ram & Alder

13- Confidence- Moon in Aries

Interpretation - Boldness, inner strength, looking after your own needs, self-assuredness, nerve, initiative
Reversed - Arrogance, bossiness, hubris, outbursts, anger, insecurity, aggression, hardheadedness

The Moon in Aries can signify feeling secure in one’s own sense of self. They do not need to rely on other people or material resources for comfort because they have an overflowing wellspring of self-assurance within. They are clear about what they want and have the initiative to pursue it. If necessary, they will persist and even fight to get their needs met. However, excessive assertiveness can be a cover-up for insecurity. It can devolve into arrogance, resulting in someone who would rather boss others around than take care of their own needs. Truly confident individuals do not need to push others around to feel good about themselves.

2022, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink & embroidery floss.