Sensitivity- Moon in Cancer, Luna Moth & Valerian
16- Sensitivity- Moon in Cancer
Interpretation - Vulnerability, empathic abilities, imagination, emotional intelligence
Reversed - Anxiety, heartbreak, overwhelming emotions, overstimulation, mood swings
While society often devalues emotions and discourages people from being “too sensitive,” the Moon in Cancer’s attunement to their feelings can be a great strength. Being sensitive means that a person absorbs and processes more information from sensory input, social cues, and ideas. This can result in increased creativity, empathy, and decision-making abilities. Increased sensitivity can become detrimental when it results in sensory and emotional overwhelm. Like the moth, Moon in Cancer may need to occasionally retreat to a protective cocoon, giving themselves time away from stimuli so they can ground, center, and process.
2018, 8x10", Acrylic paint, collaged fabric, ink & embroidery floss.
Original artwork has sold.